Student Academics

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a violation of trust and theft of intellectual property. The following is a list of guidelines that students must use when producing work for their teachers: 

  • You may not claim the work of someone else as your own. A deliberate act would be placing your name on someone else’s work (copying). Any work that is not your own (including another student’s) with your name on it is considered plagiarism. This includes “cutting and pasting” from the internet into a word document, or making use of online tools which ‘write’ assignments on your behalf.
  • You may not use someone else’s ideas as your own. You must properly cite sources from which facts, ideas, analysis, etc. are taken. Any idea, in whole or in part, that is not your own should be cited in your work. If you are unclear how to properly cite an idea, it is on you (the student) to ask the teacher for clarification. Papers and projects are designed to encourage you to come up with your own original argument based on the facts you have assessed. Using another person’s argument is not acceptable. 

Student Attendence

Regular attendance is extremely important to enable a student to achieve the highest possible standing relative to his/her abilities. The responsibility for regular attendance lies with the student and the parent. Students must also accept the consequences of their actions should they choose not to accept this responsibility. Students have an obligation to contribute as well as benefit from, the learning experience. Irregular attendance curtails a student’s ability to contribute, and often hinders the progress of the class.

It is the responsibility of the student to determine what schoolwork was missed during the absence and to complete the missed schoolwork within the time determined by the teacher.

In order to promote regular attendance, the school takes the following position for all students:

  • Parents are asked to contact the school to report excused lates or absences.
  • The following protocol for unexcused absences will occur:
    • Persistent unexcused absences will result in the teacher or administration making contact with the parents of attendance concern.
    • Persistent unexcused absences which are contributing to a student being unsuccessful in a course may result in the student and parents or guardians being asked to meet with administration and teacher to discuss the creation of a plan for student success.
    • Students with excessive absences that prevent them from being able to complete a course may be removed from the course.