Teacher Evaluation

Evaluation practices must ensure the accurate assessment of learning. Assessment practices that distort the accuracy of measurement shall not be utilized. This includes:

  • awarding extra credit or bonus points;
  • giving all members of a group a single grade for a demonstration of learning
  • deducting marks for student work submitted after the due date;
  • applying a grade of zero as a punishment (A zero could be given as a place holder until evidence is collected, such as a redo of the assessment.)

If used, final assessments shall provide for student demonstration of achievement relative to the key outcomes in the Programs of Study. It must also facilitate determination of grade level achievement in accordance with the outcomes in the Programs of Study. Individual students shall not be exempted from completing final assessments unless special needs or circumstances warrant it.

Final Examinations and Exam Week

W.R. Myers High School recognizes the critical role of final examinations in assessing student learning and achievement. Final examinations and the designated Exam Week must be organized in a manner that supports fairness, equity, and alignment with Alberta Education standards while ensuring effective teaching and learning. This policy establishes consistent guidelines and procedures for the scheduling, administration, and weighting of final examinations within W.R. Myers High School.

Final Exams

  • Culminating Assessments and Final Assessments
    • Culminating assessments and Final examinations must align with the Alberta Programs of Study and assess key learner outcomes.
    • Teachers shall communicate the purpose, format, and evaluation criteria of final examinations to students and parents/guardians within the first five instructional days of the course.
    • Teachers of non-diploma courses may waive final examinations for individual students if writing the exam is deemed detrimental and sufficient evidence of learning exists to accurately assess the student.
    • Teachers are not obligated to hold final examinations if course outcomes have been assessed through alternative methods.
  • Weighting of Exams - Final examinations shall contribute to the final grade as follows:
  • Grade 9: 0% to 20%
  • Grades 10-11: 0% to 30%
  • Grade 12 (Non-Diploma Courses): 0% to 30%
  • Grade 12 (Diploma Courses): 0% to 15% (of the school-awarded mark)
  • Accommodations
    • Final examination practices shall ensure equitable access and opportunity for all students to demonstrate their learning.
    • All accommodation requests for final examinations must be submitted to the Learning Support Teacher (LST) at least three weeks prior to Exam Week.
    • Only accommodations regularly accessed during the course will be approved, except under exceptional circumstances as determined by administration.
    • Accommodations must adhere to individual support plans and established Division procedures.

Exam Week

  • Exam Week shall be defined as the period beginning on the scheduled day of the Mathematics Diploma Examination and ending on the day before the commencement of the next semester, or the last day of school in June.
  • Scheduling of Exams
    • Administration will communicate the exam schedule to parents with as much notice as possible.
    • Regularly scheduled class days will be maintained except during Exam Week.
    • Teachers must seek administrative approval to hold final examinations outside Exam Week.
    • In circumstances where examinations requiring support from Educational Assistants (EAs) or other staff take place at the same time as government examinations, government examinations will take priority.
    • School-based final examinations for courses with government exams (e.g., PATs or Diplomas) must be scheduled during class days, and additional support for accommodations may not be available.
  • Rescheduling of Exams
    • Exam Week is considered instructional time. Parents are responsible for ensuring that students attend scheduled final examinations.
    • Students requesting to write final examinations on alternate dates must obtain prior administrative approval.

Retention and Appeals

  • Final examination materials shall be retained for 75 calendar days following administration.

Students and parents may appeal final grades within 14 calendar days following the release of results. Appeals of diploma examination results must be directed to Alberta Education.

Diploma Examinations

Examinations are held throughout the province in English 30-1, English 30-2, Social Studies 30-1, Social Studies 30-2, Mathematics 30-1,

Mathematics 30-2, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Science 30 and French Language Arts 30. In each of these courses, 30% of the final mark will come from the student's score on the Diploma Examination and 70% from the student's achieved school mark. Students who are dissatisfied with their Diploma Examination Mark may write the test again in accordance to Alberta Education policies. 

Students will be given their final school mark before writing their Diploma Examination.

Final Grade Appeals

Students wishing to discuss their final grades should first talk to their teacher. If a resolution cannot be reached, then students should schedule a meeting with the principal.

Per Horizon Policy, final grade appeals must be initiated within 14 calendar days from the release of the results (appeals for June final grades are subject to 75 calendar days). Appeals are subject to the appeals process outlined in Horizon Policy IFH.

Course Challenges

A course challenge is the provision that allows senior high school students to challenge the outcomes for a course by participating in a formal assessment process, rather than taking the course. Course challenges should be rare in application, subject to the following guidelines and regulations:

  • Course challenge assessments of this kind are intended principally for the placement of a student in a program route or stream and will not usually be approved for courses at the end of a program stream.
  • Course challenge does not apply for courses having no specifically defined content in the Program of Studies; e.g. Special Projects, Work Experience. Additionally, the following courses are excluded from the challenge provision: French 13, Mathematics, Prep 10, all RAP courses and CTS courses completed in Grades 7, 8 and 9.
  • A student shall attempt a particular course challenge only once. If the student is unsuccessful but wants credit in the course or wishes to raise his or her mark, the student is required to take the course.
  • For course challenges in diploma examination subjects, the challenge shall apply only to the school-awarded component of the blended mark. The student will be required to register for and write the diploma examination.
  • Students must challenge all CTS 1 credit courses separately.


  • Students have the responsibility to initiate the process by submitting the completed course challenge assessment application at least eight weeks prior to the final week of each semester
  • A student’s readiness for course challenge shall be determined through consultation that includes the principal, the student, parent(s) and subject teacher(s). The principal shall make the final decision about the student’s readiness for the course challenge.
  • If it is determined that the student has demonstrated readiness for a course challenge, the principals shall establish an assessment process in consultation with the subject teacher(s).

Prerequisite Waivers, Retroactive Credits and Course Recovery

W.R. Myers High School supports flexible programming that meets the diverse needs of students, ensuring access to pathways for success in high school and beyond. Waivers of prerequisites and retroactive credits provide students with opportunities to advance their education in alignment with their demonstrated competencies and unique circumstances. These practices must comply with Alberta Education standards, maintain academic integrity, and be applied equitably and consistently.


  • Waiver of Prerequisites: Students may have prerequisites waived under the following conditions:
    • Students must demonstrate mastery of the prerequisite course’s learning outcomes through alternative assessments, prior learning, or exceptional circumstances.
    • The principal, in consultation with subject-specific teachers and the Learning Support Teacher (LST) if applicable, will review the request and determine eligibility.
    • Waivers cannot be applied to Diploma Examination courses or other provincially administered assessments.
  • Retroactive Credits: Students may be granted retroactive credits under the following conditions:
    • Students must demonstrate the required knowledge, skills, and competencies outlined in Alberta Education’s Programs of Study.
    • Retroactive credits will not exceed the requirements for the student’s chosen graduation pathway (e.g., High School Diploma, Certificate of High School Achievement).
    • The principal, in consultation with subject-specific teachers, may require students to complete additional assessments before awarding retroactive credits.
    • Retroactive credits are not available for Career and Technology Studies (CTS) courses, Off-Campus Learning (e.g., Work Experience, RAP, Green Certificate, Special Projects), Dual Credit courses, EAL courses, or Locally Developed Courses.
  • Course / Credit Recovery: Students who are unsuccessful in a course may be eligible for credit or course recovery based on the following criteria:
    • Students must demonstrate a level of learning that suggests course repetition is not required.
    • The school administration and the course teacher will evaluate eligibility, considering factors such as attendance, engagement, effort to catch up on missed learning, and remaining learning outcomes.
    • If it is determined that sufficient learning has not taken place, the student will be required to re-register in the course.
    • Course recovery must be completed within the semester immediately following the unsuccessful course attempt.

Assessment and Evidence required for consideration

Evidence for waiving prerequisites or awarding retroactive credits may include:

  • Results from challenge assessments or equivalent evaluations.
  • Records of prior learning, including non-traditional or experiential learning.
  • Documentation of exceptional circumstances (e.g., medical, personal hardship).

Application and Approval Process

  • Students or guardians must submit a written request to the principal, providing evidence of learning or mitigating circumstances.
  • The principal will review the request, consult relevant staff (e.g., teachers, LST, counsellors), and provide a decision within 14 calendar days.
  • If a request is denied, students may submit an appeal to the Superintendent’s Office following Division dispute resolution procedures.

Documentation and Record-Keeping

  • Approved waivers and retroactive credits must be documented in the student’s cumulative file and Student Information System (SIS).
  • Records must include the rationale, evidence reviewed, and signatures of the approving principal and relevant staff.

Equity and Accountability

  • The process for waiving prerequisites and awarding retroactive credits must be applied equitably, considering diverse student backgrounds and needs.
  • The principal is responsible for ensuring adherence to school and provincial standards.