
Grades Taught

W.R. Myers HS Gr. 9-12 Taber Mennonite School Gr. 6-12


Scott Petronech


Vice Principal Adam Hughes

Vice Principal Nicole Cooney 

Assistant Principal (Taber Mennonite Program) Sean Dupuis


R espect

E xcellence

B alance

E ffort

L oyalty


Inspiring Excellence


As Rebels,

We believe students deserve the best education. We believe every person is important.

We believe every person has potential. We are engaged in learning.

We believe in lifelong learning.

We are a welcoming, safe and caring environment. We believe education must continually evolve.

We practice citizenship and respect.

We are compassionate community, focused on success. We take pride in our school.

We embrace diversity and practice inclusion. We develop opportunities for success.